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What Do We Do?

We bring Venues, Vendors and Clients together!

Technology Advising

We offer detailed full-service and self-service plans aimed at propelling your ambitions to extraordinary heights. Opt for our full-service plan for a seamless experience managed by our experts, or choose self-service for control with our robust support. Our dedicated team ensures you have the guidance and tools necessary for unparalleled success, celebrating every achievement with you on your journey to the top. Trust in our innovative strategies and unwavering commitment to realize your most ambitious goals.


BOSS, meticulously tailored and crafted by Joseph Destafino, is your ultimate solution for all-inclusive wedding packages. Engineered with precision, it encompasses everything you need, freeing you to concentrate on attracting new business to your venue. Experience unparalleled convenience at your fingertips, with every function accessible from the device you use most. Despite its sophisticated architecture, BOSS is the epitome of simplicity, making it the most advanced yet user-friendly software in our industry.

Backup & Storage

At the core of the BOSS platform lies an unwavering commitment to security, anchored in the same robust and resilient infrastructure that fortifies the very systems our government relies on. This stalwart framework is meticulously engineered to ensure the utmost protection, offering a sanctuary of safety for your precious data. When you choose BOSS, you're not just using a platform; you're embracing a shield that guards every byte and bit with the highest degree of vigilance.

With every piece of information that you entrust to BOSS, rest assured that it is enveloped in layers of state-of-the-art security protocols, each designed to provide maximum confidentiality and defense against any potential threats. Our system is a vanguard of virtual safety, ensuring that the integrity and privacy of your data are preserved without compromise. As you navigate the digital realm, let BOSS be your trusted custodian, a bulwark against the tides of cyber risks, and a testament to our unwavering dedication to safeguarding your information. Our security measures are not merely a peripheral aspect of our services—they are the bedrock upon which our platform stands, a cornerstone etched with the promise of peace of mind and reliability.


Embrace BOSS, your all-in-one solution that goes beyond traditional accounting. With BOSS, you're not just keeping the books; you're mastering them. Enjoy comprehensive reports tailored for your accountant, along with precise calculations of state sales tax due—be it monthly, quarterly, or yearly. While other software limits you to basic accounting for over $580 a year, BOSS broadens your horizon with email functionalities, instant messaging for direct communication with couples, vendors, and more. Experience the ease of automated emails, personalized user profiles, dashboards, and full access to every feature you engage with. BOSS simplifies appointment scheduling with new couples, ensuring you're always a step ahead. There's a world within BOSS we've barely touched on today. Ready to discover more? Secure your appointment with us tomorrow, and let's unveil the full extent of what BOSS can do for you. Dive deeper into the capabilities of BOSS and find out how our customizable features can transform your business operations. With our platform, gain insights into financial trends and optimize your business strategies for greater profitability.

Established in 2018

BOSS stands at the forefront as the premier software system, distinguished as the sole platform meticulously crafted for all-inclusive wedding venues. Joseph Destafino and his team, with his visionary design of BOSS, aimed to eliminate the complexities inherent in managing such venues, paving the way for a future defined by certainty and triumph.

Our Goal

Our ambition extends beyond being the top software innovator in the United States; we aim to consistently outpace the evolving dynamics of the wedding industry. Our dedication means relentless improvement of the BOSS platform, ensuring you benefit from the latest enhancements without any additional investment. With BOSS, we handle the complexities so you can concentrate on growing your business, liberated from the burdens of administrative tasks.

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Do you have a venue that needs help? If you're expecting organization, lead accountability and automation, this is your opportunity.

What other venues say about us

"BOSS brings business to the table I originally never had! Couples love going all-inclusive! My venue loves having the family of vendors that I have surrounded myself with!"


Couples love the lead management system as much as we do. The automated emails make sense, it's less follow-up on our part. This allows us to tour more and do admin, less!

Online Bookings

The online booking system allows couples to book at 2am or 2pm, while they're excited!

Event Management

I cannot express the importance of the perfect trifecta! All couples, vendors and the venue are 100% in communication with each other at all times!

Our Working Process

We have a unique process to ensure you enjoy the best experience!

Product Demo

We'll showcase BOSS to you, and answer all of your questions.


As a courtesy, we will happily transfer all of your information from your current platform management system to BOSS.


We not only offer in-person training, but virtual training as well.


As much as we have been in beta testing for six years, this is new to you. We will teach you everything we know.

Why is BOSS so popular?

Let's dive into the platform as a whole!

Automated emails


Online Payments


Push Notifications

Vendor Payments


Happy Clients


Lines of code


Cups of coffee


Events to date

What do our couples say about BOSS?

It's been such a positive experience!

Listen to the BOSS Cybernetics podcasts!

Our podcasts talk about everything weddings, code and trends! You can find our podcasts on Spotify, Amazon, Apple, or wherever you listen!

3rd Jan

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes?

All the juicy details of what happens unbeknownst to everyone else!!!

4th Jan

Today's couples are savvy and extra spending can STOP!

Imagine seeing it hundreds of times, what would you do different?

5th Jan

Joe, Erin, Kara and Kristen spill the tea.

An opportunity to join us for an adverturous ride!